Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Honestly, I
don’t think anyone was expecting much out of Croatia, but I’m almost positive that everyone ended up LOVING it. When we arrived, we decided to rent a beach apartment. After renting one, we went to the Old town, which is completely surrounded by the original medieval walls. We had lunch and walked around for a while. There are no cars inside the city walls and the streets are extremely clean. They are actually pretty slippery because of how worn down they are. Emily fell. After walking around, we went to the top of the city walls to walk around them.  We had the most beautiful views of the Old Town and the ocean. The water was gorgeous.  walking around, we saw some of friends at Café Buza, which is an outdoor café situated on the side of a cliff. There are tons of rocks to lay out on or to cliff jump. So we decided to go meet them at the café. Emily immediately went up to one of the rocks to jump off. I’m a big baby so I didn’t jump.  We returned to the ship to shower and get ready to go out for our friend Cassie’s birthday. We went to an Irish pub in the old town, where I had a good time watching Emily dance with an old Croatian man. Then we headed to Fuego, which had been overrun by sasers. The next day we went to find our apt on the beach. It was sooo cute, and our balcony had the best view of the beach below.  We went down to the beach, which was a rock beach, and laid out for a couple hours and swam in the freezing cold water. That night we went back to the old town to go out. We ended up at a club on the beach called East-West, then headed back to our apt. We had some breakfast champagne and then headed to the East-West beach for the day. That night Emily and I went on a romantic date.  While we were eating, the opening of the Dubrovnik summer music festival was going on, so there were fireworks. After dinner we walked through the old town and watched a Croatian singer perform for a while and then returned to the ship because we were exhausted. The last day in Croatia, I went on a trip to medjugorje in Bosnia. This little village was the place where 6 children in the 80’s saw apparitions of the Virgin Mary. It is the second most visited place by Catholics. To get to the place where the apparitions took place, we had to climb up a very steep, rocky hill. It was extremely tiring, but definitely worth getting to the top. We also attended mass at the church in the village.  having lunch and getting some souvenirs, we headed back to the ship for on-ship time. When we left croatia, we had some great views of the Old Town from the ocean.  
Off to Greece we went!

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